Two Guideline Rapid Recommendation Updates Posted

- June 24, 2024
- Resources
ASCO has updated two guidelines rapidly based on Annual Meeting plenary presentations. In
early June, the Management of Stage III NSCLC posted. Recommendation 5.8 states that
patients with unresectable stage III NSCLC with an EGFR exon 19 deletion or exon 21 L858R
mutation may be offered consolidation osimertinib after definitive chemoradiotherapy*.
(Evidence quality: Moderate; Strength of recommendation: Strong). A more detailed
manuscript will be submitted to JCO.
*Platinum based chemotherapy and thoracic radiation given concurrently or sequentially.
Systemic Therapy for Small-Cell Lung Cancer recommendations for also updated.
Recommendation 2.4 states that patients with LS-SCLC who have completed concurrent
chemoradiotherapy and do not have disease progression should be offered consolidation
immunotherapy (durvalumab) for up to 2 years if there are no contraindications to
immunotherapy. (Evidence quality: Moderate; Strength of recommendation: Strong).
Recommendation 5.3.1. Patients with LS-SCLC and ECOG PS 3-4 due to SCLC who have
been treated with concurrent or sequential chemotherapy and radiotherapy may be offered
consolidation immunotherapy (durvalumab) for up to 2 years if there are no contraindications
to immunotherapy and there is improvement in PS. (Evidence quality: Low; Strength of
recommendation: Conditional) Note these recommendations are considered provisional
pending full text review of publication and confirmation of data.