Tell Congress To Cancel The Cut!

As you well know, the flawed Medicare physician payment system is in desperate need of fixing and unfortunately things are about to get worse. Recently CMS announced final plans for payment schedules for physicians and spoiler alert, it’s not good! CMS approved a 3.4% reduction in Medicare’s physician payments for 2024. That means if Congress doesn’t act before the end of the year, these proposed cuts will go into effect and patient access to care will be negatively impacted. These cuts could disproportionately affect small, independent, and rural physician practices, as well as those treating low-income or other historically minoritized or marginalized patient communities.

Physicians are the only Medicare providers whose payments do not automatically receive an annual inflationary update which means they will not receive a 4.6% update in 2024 like other health care providers. In fact, since 2001, Medicare physician payments have lagged 26% behind the rate of inflation! America’s patients are the ones who will suffer the most with worse access to care and fewer physicians accepting Medicare patients. Everyone agrees the Medicare physician payment system is broken, and it’s time for Congress to do something about it.

Contact Your State Representatives & Senators & Cancel the Cut Today! >>

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