Putting Representatives in the Patient’s Seat

- July 11, 2024
- Resources
Each August, Congress and state legislatures recess so they can take time away from
Washington to meet with constituents in their states and districts. This presents a prime
opportunity to engage them on the issues impacting community oncology. Join COA’s
advocacy experts on Tuesday, July 16, at 12 p.m. ET to learn about the Sit In My Chair
(SIMC) program, which helps advocates like you connect with elected representatives. COA’s
Managing Director Nick Ferreyros, Director of Patient Advocacy and Education Rose Gerber,
MS, and Director of State Regulation and Policy James Lee will take you through the SIMC
program, which involves inviting a representative to visit your practice for firsthand experience
with community oncology. The team will explore a typical visit, how to invite your
representative, maintaining a relationship after the visit has concluded, and what resources are
available to you, including the newly revised SIMC toolkit. Join the Webinar HERE>>