
  • March 10, 2015


NCCN recently updated their Prostate Cancer treatment guidelines based on guidance from a panel of academic Oncologists and Urologists and patient advocacy leaders from around the country. The updated NCCN guidelines elevate PROVENGE to a more prominent position, recommending its use as the first treatment with an overall survival advantage for men with asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic mCRPC. The positioning of PROVENGE as a first treatment resulted from the widespread belief in the earlier use of immunotherapy for advanced prostate cancer patients.

The NCCN positioning of PROVENGE as the first treatment within advanced disease is consistent with the science and clinical experience that KOLs in the oncology and urology communities have been articulating over the past 2 years. The NCCN guidelines now highlight the use of subsequent therapies for PROVENGE patients who have progressed, providing subsequent treatments options based on the presence or absence of visceral metastases.

The NCCN has made a strong statement about the positioning of PROVENGE early in asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic mCRPC patients based on consensus and experience over the past 4 years of approved use.

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