Livestrong Fertility

Since 1997, the LIVESTRONG Society has been working to improve the lives of people affected by cancer. They started as a small group trying to raise money to fight the disease. As cancer has quietly become the world’s leading cause of death, their work has expanded and now reaches every corner of the globe.
One of the programs initiated from the LIVESTRONG Society is the LIVESTRONG Fertility (Fertile Hope) program. LIVESTRONG Fertility (Fertile Hope) has designed a series of informational training videos, slideshows and charts to help the physician be the most effective when talking to your patients about their fertility questions and options.
LIVESTRONG Fertility offers resources if your patient would like to become a parent after cancer. They have tools and resources to help. LIVESTRONG Fertility is dedicated to providing educational information and access to resources that support cancer patients and survivors whose cancer and its treatment present risks to their fertility. Through the LIVESTRONG Fertility Discount Program, they help cancer survivors access discounted rates on fertility preservation services.
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