Input Requested: 2024 Guideline Topic Submission

- July 11, 2024
- Resources
The Evidence Based Medicine Committee has delegated the identification and prioritization of
guideline topics to Guideline Advisory Groups (AGs). The AGs will consider topics suggested
by the ASCO membership when revisiting current priorities in the fall. To submit a new topic
or guideline update for consideration, please complete this form. Please make your topic
submission as specific as possible (e.g. treatment or screening guideline topics vs. broad
disease sites). Also, note that it is not guaranteed your suggestion will become a priority for
guideline development, but we thank you for taking the time to submit a topic idea. Please
submit suggestions by August 1, 2024. Take a moment to view ASCO’s current library of
guidelines and a list of guidelines in development. You can also view an overview of the 2023-
2024 priorities and guidelines under development. Questions? Contact