FLASCO supports Restoration of Department of Health Funding for the Mary Brogan Breast & Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program

Mary Brogran Breast & Cervical Cancer

Early Detection Program (Sec. 381.93, F.S.)

Florida Department of Health

Current Year State Funding (FY 2016-17) $2,100,00 ($300,000 recurring; $1,800,000 nonrecurring)

House Position (Line Item 447) $325,000 recurring

Senate Position (Line Item 447) – $350,000 recurring

Request – $2,100,00 in total funding

Program Description – The Mary Brogan Program, administered by the Florida Department of Health, is a statewide program that provides lifesaving cancer screenings for medically underserved women between the ages of 50 and 64 who have incomes below 200% of the federal poverty level. Women diagnosed with cancer through the program are eligible to apply for the Florida Medicaid program for treatment.

Historical Funding

Fiscal Year State General Revenue
2016-17 $2,100,000
2015-16 $2,100,000
2014-15 $1,800,000
2013-14 $1,536,473
2012-13 $1,236,473


$7,356,111 in combined state and federal funding



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