ASCO Coding Tip of the Month: March 2024

- March 23, 2024
- Resources
This month’s coding tip features a new code covered in ASCO’s Care Management and SDOH
G Comparison resource is G0136, established by Medicare this year to capture the
administration of a Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Risk Assessment tool. G0136
accounts for 5-15 minutes of administering the tool, and time may also contribute to other
navigational services as indicated by Medicare. Many practices may be utilizing a tool during
navigational services, and this code now allows the assessment to be reported for
reimbursement. It is important to note the risk assessment tool used must be a standardized,
evidence-based tool. ASCO’s Coding and Reimbursement page includes additional
information on this code, other navigational services, care management, and SDOH diagnosis
coding among many other resources.