The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) and the Association for Community Cancer Centers (ACCC) joined forces to ensure that cancer treatment trials better reflect the diversity of cancer populations. The collaboration is led by a Steering Group co-chaired by ASCO President, Lori J. Pierce, MD, FASTRO, FASCO, and ACCC Immediate Past President Randall A. Oyer, MD. The goal of the collaboration is to establish practical strategies and solutions to help increase participation in cancer treatment trials, with a focus on increasing clinical trial participation among people from historically underrepresented racial and ethnic communities. 

Oncology Practices and Research Sites are Invited to Participate in a Pilot Project

An initiative was recently launched to test a research site self-assessment tool and implicit bias training program, both of which are designed to address one of the greatest barriers to people participating in clinical trials: trials are not routinely being offered by clinicians to eligible patients.

Over 40 oncology research sites are being recruited to be a part of a pilot project to test the research site assessment tool and/or the implicit bias training program. The assessment tool will evaluate mainly site structural and procedural factors that may impact patient screening and participation. The training will be a curriculum-based program, combined with interventional exercises for enrolling patients, with the opportunity for participants to meet with other participating sites for an interactive, virtual discussion. This initial phase of the project will focus on cancer treatment tiral screening and participation for people who are Black and/or Hispanic/Latinx.  

Apply Now to Participate

Research sites are invited to apply to participate in the pilot project. Selected research sites and oncology practices will comprise a mix of research and practice settings, including small and large research sites, and community- and academic-based oncology programs from diverse regions across the United States.

Participating research sites will be offered a stipend for complete participation.

Recruitment is open from May 3 until June 11, 2021.

The following additional materials should be reviewed by sites applying to participate in the pilot project:

A copy of the Site Interest Application is available for download and reference. However, it must be completed online.

If you have any questions, please contact